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Welcome to our blog!

Hello and welcome to The Brass Cellar NZ Blog!

Here I will share some follow up ideas and inspiration behind some of the videos that I will be posting on the YouTube Channel as well as topics which are best explained in writing and images - as opposed to my rambling.

If you hadn't guessed by now I am a bit if a self professed brass fanatic and have a strong passion towards talking about and preserving vintage instruments and accessories.

The world we live in has changed a lot and because of it's frantic pace you are seeing less and less people take up the instrument as they don't have the time, nor patience to dedicate multiple hours per day to becoming competent in their chosen horn. Ironically the very solution to their troubles very might be that they need to take an hour each day to calm their mind and focus on a sole task. (I personally use trumpet playing as a way to 'tune-out' and focus on tone and sound.)

What draws me to vintage instruments in particular is that they have a unique tone quality and quirks to them that modern trumpets may not. I also enjoy the history and thinking about where a particular instrument might have come from, or why it was designed in a certain way. 

Accessories also interest me (like vintage mutes and mouthpieces) for the same reason - they allow you to create a new sound and emotion with a simple act of putting it into the bell or mouthpiece receiver.

I look forward to sharing more of the journey with you as I look to dominate the Vintage Brass market in this par tof the world!